What’s your appetite for feedback?

As an executive coach and consultant, one of the primary things people count on me to deliver is feedback.  That can take many forms: from assessments to strategy reviews to encouragement to, at times, a swift kick in the britches.   In fact, a client’s desire and ability to receive feedback is an important factor in our relationship in evaluating fit (one of the benefits of being able to choose companies and individuals to work with).  

Years ago, I had the opportunity to spend time on multiple occasion with Chick-fil-A Chairman and CEO, Dan Cathy.  He was one of the first people I heard talk about the importance of having truth-tellers around him, even when - especially when - there was truth he didn’t necessarily want to hear.  He named very specific people in the company and in his life that played that role for him.  

The reality though is that there are those that don’t want feedback and don’t want the truth, especially if it’s hard to hear.  My son and I were in the car this week and happened upon this service truck with the sign asking motorists to call if you ever see this truck being driven in an unsafe manner.  The only problem was that part of the phone number and truck number was scratched out!  Incredible!  

I have met leaders in my practice that mirror this truck and when I do, I politely move on.  And I’ve worked with these leaders throughout my career.   We all have and that can be tough.  And if we’re honest, we all have to guard ourselves to make sure we remain open to the feedback we need!

So, what’s your appetite for feedback? Who are the truth-tellers around you - inside and outside your organization? And ultimately, are you prepared to act on what you hear?


What happens when you’re squeezed?


Of traffic and opening doors..