Discretionary effort. It’s what your team chooses to give you; the above and beyond. Are you getting it?
What causes low employee engagement?
Researchers have identified four forces that destroy engagement.
Misalignment with the job.
Misalignment with the manager.
Misalignment with the team.
Misalignment with the organization.
Your company might be fighting against one of these forces—or all four. In any case, you have employees who do the bare minimum to avoid getting fired. Actively engaged employees go above and beyond because they’re emotionally committed to your company’s success.
The PI Employee Experience Survey measures employee engagement across the four categories—and delivers a custom action plan so you can fix what’s broken or keep doing more of what’s working well.
The PI Employee Experience Survey.
Uncover why some employees are disengaged, what you’re doing well, and how you can take action to correct or maintain engagement.
Employee experience coaching.
Don’t go it alone. As a PI Certified Partner, I will guide you in administering the survey, sharing out results, and implementing actionable next steps to ensure success.
Take Action on Engagement Workshop.
With your results, a 1/2-day workshop will explore how your team measures up against research-based benchmarks in each of four core categories that characterize the employee experience, your strengths, potential blind spots and specific recommendations that will take your people and your company to the next level.