Keynote and Workshop

Did you know….

Seasons in Leadership started as an in-company workshop for senior leaders? If you are interested in scheduling a keynote or workshop for your company, contact

Is it Management or Leadership? 

I think it’s both.

Executive Team Development

Over the last 18 years of working with small-to-medium sized businesses, one of the things that consistently shows itself is leaders, even in high performing companies, who have never been intentionally equipped for the roles in which they find themselves.  They simply do the best they can, making it up on their own or simply repeating whatever they’ve experienced to this point in their career.

It’s out of this need that a catalog of workshops was created, designed to equip executive teams with the knowledge to implement proven processes that will improve managerial and organization effectiveness.  This is accomplished by combining the leadership principles that make the managerial processes work.


Representative Topics

Emotional Intelligence

Hiring and Selection

Organizational Life Cycles


Engagement and Employee Experience

Leading Change

Healthy Conflict Management