Which comes first?

One of the things I work hard at in my consulting practice is to simply “pay attention” - to what’s happening in the marketplace, to thought leaders, etc. I think it’s one of the best things I can do to stay sharp and be best positioned to add value to my clients. Last week, I had two encounters that left me with the proverbial “chicken or egg” question.

The first was a webinar from Hudson Coaching on the “Great Reset” and the transition we find ourselves in. The second was with my friend and colleague, Dr. Steve Trainor who’s an amazing thought leader. In both cases, we were in agreement on the increasing role managers play and the necessary investments that need to be made at this band.

The question that arose for me out of these two interactions is whether things like creating psychological safety and being emotionally agile are skills to be gained and applied…. OR, is the focus on helping managers establish their skill as facilitators, coaches, mentors, and consultants, where attributes like psychological safety and emotional agility are practiced because managers are leading well?

Feels a bit chicken-and-egg to me.

One could argue that it really doesn’t matter, if in the end, we’re getting what we need (like more chickens and more eggs). However, I think the question deserves an answer as it would, by its nature, impact one’s approach to development.

Anxious to see what others say as I continue to try to pay attention.


What’s the most important ability?


You don’t have to apologize for never having been shown